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Title:  Virtual Cycle Rides - Angkor Wat, Cambodia CHOOSE CURRENCY
Price:   $ 9.95
READ Customer Reviews  (1 customer review)
Item:  DVD Video, All Regions, Widescreen, Dolby Stereo, Duration - 60 minutes

Virtual Cycle and Walk Tour In Angkor Wat, Cambodia for Indoor Workouts with Music.

Discover Cambodia while touring Angkor Wat. This relaxing cycle ride will show you old temples in the region Angkor. 
It is one of the largest religious monuments in the world and the most famous attraction of Cambodia. 
While enjoying the view on the temple complex you can also enjoy the lush green vegetation. 
The temples are very splendid and show the wonderful architecture of earlier times.

Ride All Over Angkor Wat, Cambodia With Music to Keep You Going

These virtual traveling videos are perfect to play during your cardio workouts at home or in a fitness center. The uplifting music motivates you even more.

High Quality HD Workout Video and Automatic Loop

This DVD is recorded with a gyro-stabilized HD camera system to create a real life experience.


We also include a FREE downloadable bonus features with this DVD. All additional videos included were shot entirely in HD or 4K.
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Virtual Cycle Rides - Angkor Wat, Cambodia    

As you begin on a footpath that surrounds one of the ancient Hindu temples, it is impossible to not wonder what this all must have been like at its inception in the 12th century. Two wheeled transportation is the preferred mode here and is most prevalent at the temple outskirts where flags decorate the area and vendors line the streets with their stands. The temple grounds are fascinating....much is in ruins, but much is amazing testament to its construction! Fascinating statues abound. Your workout, accompanied by a laid back sound track, will go by quickly.
In segment 2 the pace quickens as you exit the temple grounds and travel through gates, crumbling after so many centuries, and head down a rural road bordered by tropical farmland. A really fun trek down a red dirt road lined with various types of palm trees is ahead of you. Later, back on temple grounds, you duck beneath low hanging branches and archways while monkeys scamper alongside.
Segment 3 is accompanied by an oh so appropriate Dreamy Landscapes track. You begin on a very narrow path through farmland and join village children en route to school on their bicycles. As the warm sun beams down on you, it is back to flat, open land and before you know it your arms are brushing the tall grasses along a marshy path. Your workout winds down as the sun begins to set behind beautiful palm trees and lush green rice fields. The sunset at the end is BREATHTAKING!!!

Review: Virtual Cycle Rides - Angkor Wat, Cambodia
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